Planning Commission Committee Meeting Dec 2023
Planning Commission Committee Meeting
On December 7, 2023, ReWild attended the Planning Commission Committee to advocate for improvements to the ReWild area. The meeting, lasting nearly 6 hours, ended with unanimous support from the Planning Commissioners for the City’s De Anza Natural Plan. Despite ReWilds efforts, they were unable to persuade the Commision to make improvements to the regulatory review commitment and living shorelines language, the plan’s misleading SLR analysis, the safeguarding of public shoreline access, and the additional wetland acreage that was being asked for.
However, we successfully prevented the Commission from weakening the plan, which was a real risk. While other interest groups sought fewer wetland acres, ReWild ensured no reduction. The Commission refrained from lowering wetland acreage, weakening language about flexible infrastructure, tying progress to complex plans, allowing motorized boats in the mini-cove, or adding language about unchanged land uses.
ReWilds strong turnout, both in person and online, included support from various organizations. The City’s plan will undergo review by the Environment Committee, City Council, and the Coastal Commission. ReWild remains the optimal plan for wetland restoration, benefiting habitat, wildlife, water quality, recreation, and aligning with the City’s Climate Action Plan benchmarks.
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Kumeyaay Communities
The northeast corner of Mission Bay holds historical significance as it is land that has traditionally been used by Indigenous communities, specifically Kumeyaay (‘Iipay and Tipai). The ReWild Coalition advocates for improved access to ReWild Mission Bay, aiming to rectify historical injustices by restoring connections for Indigenous communities and enhancing access for all, especially people of color.
The ReWild Mission Bay Project is a chance to address these inequities, promoting inclusivity and equity in park usage. The northeast corner should be accessible through enhanced public transportation and diverse programming, acknowledging the area’s Indigenous history. This effort aligns with broader project benefits, including habitat creation, water quality improvement, resilience to sea level rise, and contributing to climate crisis mitigation by carbon sequestration.
Recognizing that this statement is just one aspect, the ultimate goal is to establish an accessible, inspirational, and restored northeast corner of Mission Bay Park for the entire community.
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