Environmental Center of San Diego

Values & Interactions

A community working together to protect and enhance the natural environment throughout San Diego through Education, Advocacy and Direct Action

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Who We Are

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We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It

Our goal is to promote healthy natural systems in San Diego by inspiring a deeper understanding and appreciation of positive environmental change and advocacy while working to improve the quality of life and economic vitality of our community.


ECO San Diego’s education programs are focused on K-12 children. We help them connect, understand, appreciate, and love our local species.


ECO San Diego is a strong supporter of all the wonderful organizations in our region doing important work to make our community a better, healthy, more just place.

Environmental Leadership Summit

Environmental, community, labor, housing, justice, climate leaders meet to address local challenges, forge solutions, and commit to collaboration.


The most frequent question asked by volunteers is “what can I do?”

On October 2, 2024 the San Diego Marine Protected Area (MPA) Collaborative met to discuss ongoing petitions and updates about the Southern California MPAs.

Our Projects

The opportunity to directly experience our beautiful natural resources is an important part of being a San Diegan and a present or future steward of those resources. That is why the Environmental Center of San Diego is committed to supporting appropriate public environmental programs.

Click on each project to learn more.


A Win For Coastal Access

A Win For Coastal Access

On September 9, 2021, the CCC unanimously supported staff’s Recommendations and Findings for Consent Cease and Desist Order No. CCC-21-CD-01 and Consent Administrative Penalty No. CCC-21-AP-01. These agenda items demonstrate that coastal access has been obstructed for decades in the northeastern corner of Mission Bay at Campland on the Bay and the Mission Bay RV Resort and that the public has been prevented from using the coastline in these areas.

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Handicap Accessible Beach Access

Handicap Accessible Beach Access

We love to see the public out enjoying San Diego’s beautiful beaches, but know that access can often be difficult. Below you’ll find a list of beaches with manual or powered wheelchairs available for your use. If you have questions regarding availability, you can...

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Projects and Presentations by future generations working towards a sustainable planet.

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Stay Connected

Sign up for the ECONews email list to get alerts and news from environmental organizations. This is an announcement-only list, not a discussion list. We will limit it to a maximum of one message per week, except in cases of urgent requests from local organizations. To request an alert or provide a news item, send an email to ecosandiego6@gmail.com


For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.
- Baba Dioum

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Pictures from our local contributors.

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