We all live in the same environment, so it only makes sense that we work to protect it together. But how do you get people from all backgrounds and disciplines to strive for the same goal? This is the question that the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance looks to answer. 

What is the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance?

The San Diego Green New Deal Alliance is a collaboration between local businesses, activists, and community organizations with one ambitious goal: to move San Diego toward zero carbon status by 2035. Collaborators envision a future where San Diego is a champion for sustainable jobs, affordable living conditions, and active communities powered by renewable energy. 

Who are the collaborators of the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance?

Cooperation is key when it comes to environmental activism, and the San Diego Green New Deal is no exception. This grassroots partnership involves over 50 local businesses from the environmental, labor, social justice, and community service industries. All have their own unique resources and perspectives to bring to the table when it comes to climate issues and solutions. 

Some of these partners include: 

  • American Federation Of Teachers, Local 1931
  • Business For Good San Diego
  • Center For Sustainable Energy
  • City Heights Community Development Corporation
  • Cleveland National Forest Foundation
  • Diamond + Branch Marketing Group
  • Environmental Center Of San Diego
  • GRID Alternatives San Diego
  • M’porte
  • Public Bank SD
  • Racial Justice Coalition of San Diego
  • San Diego Audubon Society
  • San Diego Housing Federation
  • San Diego Labor, Environmental, And Community Coalition
  • And more!

What kind of work does the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance do? 

To achieve its vision, the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance is tackling the environmental issues one policy at a time. Building sustainable communities will be a marathon endeavor, and the Alliance aims to accomplish this via several simultaneous goals.

Building a diverse and intersectional climate movement

Advancing environmental and social justice is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Everyone has a stake in the future of our climate, so the Alliance aims to educate the public about key environmental issues to ensure everyone is well-informed. Our communities are then better equipped to advocate for environmental policies that support us all.

To bring this vision to life, the Alliance employs the Equitable Development Committee and the Monarca (Spanish-Speaking) Working Group to educate and engage all communities in San Diego. 

Fighting for equitable zero carbon policy

Achieving 100% clean and renewable energy by 2035 will require a bit of creativity and a lot of persistence. The Alliance’s goal is for San Diego to ultimately achieve a Zero Carbon economy via clean energy usage and eco-friendly infrastructure. This will require strong environmental policies to encourage such a potent change (including accessible sustainable energy sources such as solar and microgrids). 

Championing a just transition for workers

Climate change impacts everyone, but disproportionately impacts vulnerable communities (such as Black and indigenous communities). This means that environmental justice is intrinsically connected to social justice as well. Therefore, any meaningful solutions must include both perspectives.

The Alliance advocates for environmental and social justice by advancing the creation of sustainable job markets and unions to ensure every worker’s voice is heard. The Alliance also works to ensure that any transition to an eco-centric economy continues to support workers of all backgrounds via severance packages, wage and benefit guarantees, retirement, and healthcare options. 

Holding fossil fuel corporations accountable

To truly achieve environmental and economic change, we need to break our dependence on fossil fuels. The Alliance works to hold fossil fuel corporations (and their equally-polluting counterparts) to ensure they are held accountable for their impact on our communities.

In the meantime, we must help break our reliance on these corporations by advocating for meaningful alternatives. This includes supporting public transit options (like walkways, bike lanes, and affordable public transit) and ending policies that incentivize vehicle use. The Ballot Measure Working Group is one of the Alliance’s ongoing initiatives to pass two important ballot measures in 2022, including the Regional Transportation Plan. 

An Alliance For The Future

The San Diego Green New Deal Alliance shows us that our communities are more than the sum of their parts. When these groups join together under a common goal, the possibilities grow tenfold. Don’t get us wrong — the work won’t be easy. But as this interdisciplinary team shows, it’s work that we can only do together.